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6 reasons why personal training can transform your fitness journey vs a Peloton

Fitness is #trending!  Seemingly every day, there is a new fitness fad- whether it be cardio drumming, trampoline fitness or Tae Bo.  Group fitness boutiques are popping up left and right and access to spin classes, dance classes and Yoga are at the tip of our fingers.

So with all this accessibility, you may be wondering, why would I pay to hire a personal trainer when I can roll out a mat or hop on a bike and knock out a class on my own?

Let’s break it down.  The following are 6 reasons why Personal Training is well worth the investment and can be transformational in your fitness journey!

  1. Individualization

Every human body is different.  As such, one size fits all just does not apply when it comes to fitness.  Part of the benefit of personal training is it allows for program individualization.  Perhaps you are working towards your first half marathon or want to be able to perform a pull up or squat your body weight.  Regardless of your goals, a personal trainer will provide a tailored multi-faceted program which accounts for everything from your body composition to weekly availability to history of injuries.  

2. Accountability

We have all been there when it’s 6pm after work and you were supposed to workout but instead you think “ehhh, I’ll just wait until tomorrow”.  Enter your personal trainer aka “accountability buddy”.  As humans, we are naturally inclined to avoid letting others down and having a fitness partner and guide will help keep you on target by ensuring you attend your scheduled workouts and maintain the proper nutrition required to maximize your results. 

3. Goal Setting

Goal setting is paramount to staying motivated.  Personal trainers have numerous objective tools that can be used to measure change over time including body fat composition measures, weight progressions with resistance training, speed improvements and mobility improvements.  Based on baseline measurements established, trainers can work with you to develop SMART goals with specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-based components.  Short- and long-term goals help clients stay on track, maintain motivation and objectively display your progress over time.

4. Variety

Variety really is the spice of life and it’s the way to both keep yourself motivated as well as challenge the body to continually make change.  A personal trainer is an expert in all things fitness and movement.  They will keep the body guessing with weighted progressions, exercise variety, equipment changes and varying stability demands.  Maintaining variety in exercise not only expedites weight loss but can make your workout feel less like work and more like play!

5. Form correction/ injury prevention

Perhaps the most important reason for investing in a trainer is their expertise in exercise form.  When you pop a strength class on your tv and are performing deadlifts with terrible form, no one is there to correct you.  20 reps later, you strain your back and are unable to exercise for two weeks.  Our bodies are smart and will compensate to make things “easier” in the short term even at the risk of injuring the body in the long term.  Personal trainers are experts in movement analysis and will ensure that form is perfected before load is applied which will keep you safe and allow you to continue exercising for years to come.

 6. Breakthrough plateaus

Last but not least, a personal trainer will help you break through those evil plateaus.  Many of us have been there- we start off strong, lose weight quick and gain strength fast but a few months later, things seem to plateau off.  Getting an outside source to assess your fitness and nutritional programs can help you identify causes for training plateaus and propel you forward to get back on track.  

Bottom line, personal training may be an investment in the short term but it’s an investment that can help you achieve your fitness goals more quickly and efficiently, keep you safe and motivated and transform you into the best version of you. 

If you are struggling to maintain your weight loss or having trouble losing weight let’s set up a Game Planning session. In this game planning session, we want to learn more about your past experience with exercise, learn about your current lifestyle and learn about your goals so we can develop a plan to help your get results! Set up a call here or email us at!