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Fat loss 101

There are so many weight loss products, programs, and gadgets out there on the market today. Unfortunately, most of them overcomplicate things and simply just make people spend their hard-earned money on a dud. But it doesn’t have to be this way…

Fat Loss is Quite Simple

Yes, you read that right. Fat loss really isn’t that difficult. Well, the concept isn’t.Let’s get one thing clear; we’re focusing on fat loss, not just weight loss. The two often get confused and are used interchangeably.Simple weight loss is dependent on many things such as fluid retention, muscle loss, fat loss, sodium intake; the list goes on. Most people don’t want to lose muscle, they just want to lose fat.In order to lose fat, we have to follow the simple law of thermodynamics. In terms of calories, all this means is that input must be less than output. In the case of fat loss, you must eat less than your body’s maintenance calories, which is the amount of calories the body requires to maintain its current body composition and body weight. This can be estimated using a simple maintenance calorie calculator, which can be found online. 

But Yet, It’s Not So Easy

Although fat loss may be easy in theory, applying this to the real world is quite difficult for most people. Life is quite complex and is multifaceted in terms of where opportunities may arise for people to eat more calories than they require. This can include family gatherings, parties, weddings, and even the person who brings pastries to the office every morning. What people often worry about is being perfect all of the time. They feel as if they mess up one time, they completely derailed themselves of progress and go out on an all-out binge. It’s important to rid oneself of this “all-or-nothing” mindset and instead, develop a mindset revolved around moderation instead. 

It’s All About Moderation!

Most people have heard this saying at one time or another in their lives. But despite it sounding super cliche, it’s very true! Something that’s being heavily researched in the realm of exercise science right now is the concept of adherence. This is basically how well one can stick to their diet. And this has been proven to be the #1 most important aspect of a diet that is responsible for a person either succeeding or failing at their fat loss goals. Those who restrict themselves too much in their diets often do this in order to reach their goals faster. But they often end up digging themselves into a bigger hole, as they are less likely to adhere to their diet After all, you can have the best diet ever planned out, but if you can’t stick to it, then what’s it worth anyway? In order to help you reach your fat loss goals, here are some simple strategies you can implement today!


Most people know what protein is. It’s the macronutrient that’s responsible for cellular repair, muscle growth, and a plethora of other beneficial functions.What some people don’t know is that it is the most satiating nutrient, meaning that it makes you feel more full compared to carbohydrates and fats.  In the research, it’s been illustrated that protein helps to curb hunger more significantly than fats or carbs, even when the amount of calories eaten are exactly the same!This has to do with the fact that protein requires more calories to digest than other macronutrients do. This phenomenon is what’s called the thermic effect of food, which is the amount of calories required to digest a particular food. Eating more protein helps you to burn more calories throughout the day.

Eat Foods that are Low in Calories & High in Volume

Something interesting that many people don’t realize is that the stomach is in fact not a calorie counter. Instead, it is a volume counter. What does this mean? Well, this means that foods that take up more space and are very dense, despite having a low calorie count like most fruits and vegetables, will make you feel more full, despite the fact that you have much less calories in your stomach.Because of this, eating foods high in fiber and volume is a smart choice. Also, it’s important to avoid things such as  sugary drinks, candy, and pastries These foods are the exact opposite of what was explained above. They are low volume and high in calories, and should be avoided for the most part, but still can be included in moderation in order to reduce cravings.

Get Your Zzzzz’s

Most people don’t take their sleep as seriously as they should, and this can cause detrimental health effects, such as fatigue and cognitive decline. Not only that, it can significantly derail your fat loss progress as well!There are two hormones that control hunger in the body; ghrelin and leptin. Leptin signals to your body that you are full and ghrelin signals to your body that you’re hungry. Simple enough.Studies have shown that sleep deprivation increases ghrelin and reduces leptin, significantly increasing appetite compared to those who get enough sleep. Because of this, it is often observed that those who consistently lack sleep are at greater risk of being overweight and obese.

Final Words

You see? Fat loss doesn’t need to be so complicated! Most people don’t even need to count calories in order to lose weight. Those who do are usually leaner and need to pay more careful attention to calories, as their maintenance calories are lower. Depending on your personality type and preference, you can choose whether or not to count your calories. As long as you implement the above given tips, you are bound to succeed in your fat loss journey!