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Do These 4 Movements Every 30-45 Minutes Success System To Get Out Of Pain

Sitting at home all day in front of the computer can really put a toll on your body. We always suggest that our members take a break from doing work every 40-50 minutes. Suggestions that they can do for their break do some squats, push-ups, or run in place. If it is nice outside and they have access to a back yard then we highly recommend they go outside and get sun and do the activities out there.If you only have a short break then we recommend that they do this mobility circuit below that will hit the whole body!The first exercise is shoulder abduction with external rotation and chin tuck: second exercise is foot elevated hamstring stretch: third exercise is a squat hold (hip mobility) last exercise is half kneeling hip flexor stretch you can see above all these can be done right in the comfort of your own home.We suggest that you do them any time you feel discomfort or tightness setting in in any of the places that we have talked about above. Most will get the most discomfort in the shoulders and neck.Here is the program below:Hold each stretch or movement for 30-45 seconds do 2-3 rounds for each exercise, 1-2 times a day!