8 High Protein Snacks that are healthy and Portable

When you live a busy lifestyle, snacks can be useful when hunger hits and you don't have time to prepare a meal.However, many snack foods available today are high in refined carbs and sugar, which can leave you feeling unsatisfied and craving more food.The key is to make sure your snacks are nutritious and contain protein.Protein promotes fullness because it signals the release of appetite-suppressing hormones, slows digestion and stabilizes blood sugar levels.Here are 10 high-protein snacks that are healthy and portable, so you can enjoy them even when you're on the go.1. JerkyJerky is meat that has been trimmed of fat, cut into strips and dried. It makes an excellent and convenient snack.It's very high in protein, containing an impressive 9 grams per ounce (28 grams)Beef, chicken, turkey, and salmon are often made into jerky. It can be found at most grocery stores, but keep in mind that store-bought versions are typically high in added sugar and artificial ingredients.Your best bet is to make your own jerky or you can buy Lorissa's kitchen, which is 10 grams of protein per serving and low sugar content. This is an amazing brand if you do not want to make your own.2. Greek Yogurt ParfaitGreek yogurt is an ideal healthy and high-protein snack, with 20 grams of protein per one-cup serving (224 grams). It has been shown to be more filling than yogurts with lower protein contents.In addition to being a great source of protein, Greek yogurt is also high in calcium, which is important for bone health.To make yogurt even more delicious and filling, you can make a parfait by combining one cup of yogurt with protein powder and mixed berries in layers.The addition of protein powder to yogurt provides 20 additional grams of protein per ounce.3. Hard-Boiled EggsEggs are undeniably healthy, consisting of almost every nutrient that your body needs. They are particularly high in B vitamins and trace minerals.In addition to being nutritious, they are also versatile. Hard-boiled eggs make a great portable snack.One hard-boiled egg consists of six grams of protein, which will keep you full and satisfied until your next meal. Their fullness-promoting properties may also reduce the number of calories you consume later in the day.

4. Handful of Almonds

Eating a handful of almonds or another type of nut for a snack is a simple way to fill up on protein.An ounce of almonds provides six grams of protein, in addition to high amounts of vitamin E, riboflavin, trace minerals and healthy fats.Snacking on almonds regularly is associated with many other health benefits and may even help you control your weight.Almonds are also high in calories, so it's important to stick with the recommended serving size. A handful is equivalent to around 22 almonds.

5. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is known for being high in protein. It's a filling snack that can be eaten on the go.There are 14 grams of protein in a half-cup (113 grams) of cottage cheese, which ends up being 69% of its total calorie content.Cottage cheese is also a good source of some other important nutrients, including calcium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin B12 and riboflavin.You can enjoy cottage cheese on its own or combine it with fruits and nuts for a delicious snack.

6. Protein Bars

Protein bars are an easy way to consume a significant amount of protein.They are much healthier if you make them on your own, as store-bought versions are often high in added sugar and other unnecessary ingredients.Larabars are a popular protein bar made with minimal ingredients.You can also easily make a batch on your own by following this recipe, which uses nuts, dates and dried fruit.7. Protein ShakesWhile getting your protein from whole food sources is ideal, protein shakes make for an easy snack that will sneak some protein and other nutrients into your diet.They can be made with several types of protein powder, including whey, egg, soy and pea protein.Whey protein, in particular, may be beneficial for fullness. In one study, men who consumed a snack bar that contained whey protein consumed significantly fewer calories than those who ate a lower-protein snack.In another study, a snack of yogurt with added whey protein reduced appetite more than a carb-rich snack with the same amount of caloriesGenerally, a scoop of protein powder provides about 20 grams of protein, which is sure to keep you full until your next meal.To make a protein shake, simply combine a scoop of protein powder, a cup of milk or juice, a cup of ice and fruit, if desired. Then pour it into a portable container so you can take it with you wherever you go.8. Egg MuffinsEgg muffins are a super healthy snack with lots of protein.They're made by mixing eggs with veggies and seasonings, pouring the mixture into a muffin tin and then baking the muffins.They are also very convenient, as they can be eaten hot or cold. You can increase their nutrient content by making them with veggies and add more protein by topping them with a tablespoon or two of cheese.This egg muffin recipe combines eggs with broccoli, onions and bell peppers.

Take Home Message

High-protein snacks are important to have around when hunger hits between meals, as they keep you full and satisfied.While many snacks can be unhealthy, there are plenty of healthy and portable options that you can enjoy even when you're crunched for time. 



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